We take part in our interfaith community's Rise Against Hunger event.

We have a strong call to animal welfare. We collect food, cleaning supplies and pet supplies for distribution to our local shelter and rescue groups. We honor and invite our pets to come to church! We observe the feast of St. Francis and bless the pets every October.

We adorn our altar at Christmas time with a "virtual creche" using donations made by our parish toward the purchase of animals through the Heifer International Project and Episcopal Relief and Development. We collected enough to donate several animals, hives of bees, and donations to new mothers and their infants.

We donate Christmas gifts to local families who are experiencing financial challenges. Fill backpacks for elementary school-aged children of The Osbornville School, and worked in cooperation with the Bricktown Police Dept. in donating Christmas gifts to the children participating in TEAM, a program for our local children.

We boxed, wrapped and donated gifts to the houseless living in tents in our community.

If you would like more information, please call the church office at: 732-458-5711.

Photos from our pet blessings, pet adoption day, Fall backpack program, Christmas donations of animals through Episcopal Relief and Development and Heifer Int’l, and Christmas gifts to the children in our community.